In the catering industry, keeping food fresh is essential to guaranteeing its quality. Professional refrigerators are crucial to maintaining optimal storage conditions, ensuring food safety and kitchen efficiency.
Key features of professional refrigerators
Professional refrigerators have a number of essential features:
- Storage capacity A large capacity means you can store a wide range of products, meeting the needs of large kitchens. For example, some models offer capacities of up to 1,850 litres.
- Precise temperature control Digital thermostat: A digital thermostat ensures that stable temperatures are maintained, guaranteeing optimum food preservation. Typical temperature ranges are +1°C to +7°C.High-quality materials Stainless steel: The use of stainless steel inside and out makes cleaning easier and ensures better hygiene. Some models use 0.5 mm galvanised sheet metal for added durability.Energy efficiency The use of environmentally-friendly refrigerants, such as R290, reduces energy consumption and environmental impact. These refrigerants are cleaner and provide good cooling performance.
Presentation of the KIWI 1910 3D refrigerator
Le réfrigérateur KIWI 1910 3D est conçu pour satisfaire les besoins des professionnels de la restauration. Il offre une capacité brute de 1 850 litres et une capacité nette de 1 630 litres. Ses dimensions extérieures sont de 1 910 mm en largeur, 748 mm en profondeur et 2 082 mm en hauteur. Il fonctionne dans une plage de température de +1°C à +7°C. Il assure ainsi une conservation optimale des aliments. Le réfrigérant utilisé est le R290, reconnu pour son efficacité énergétique et son faible impact environnemental. Le cadre est en verre complet avec un encadrement en aluminium. L’utilisation de verre doublement trempé avec remplissage d’argon et traitement Low-E, témoignent de la qualité de sa conception. Le thermostat numérique et l’évaporateur de type « fin avec dégivrage au gaz chaud » complètent les spécifications techniques de cet appareil.
Advantages of the KIWI 1910 3D for professionals
The KIWI 1910 3D offers a number of advantages for catering professionals:
- Ergonomic design Its generous dimensions make it easy to fit into a variety of kitchen spaces, while offering plenty of storage capacity.
- Advanced technology The digital thermostat and high-performance evaporator ensure even, reliable refrigeration.
- Sustainable materials The galvanised sheet metal construction and high-quality glazing ensure long life and easy maintenance.
- Energy efficiency The use of R290 refrigerant contributes to reduced energy consumption, in line with current environmental concerns.
In conclusion, the KIWI 1910 3D refrigerator stands out for its technical specifications tailored to the needs of catering professionals. It combines performance, durability and energy efficiency, making it a wise choice for demanding kitchens.