Apple horizontal freezers
Ils sont dotés de serpentins en aluminium premium. En premier lieu, ils créent une barrière thermique performante qui optimise l’échange calorifique, assurant une préservation idéale de vos denrées. Grace à leur isolation en mousse de polyuréthane de dernière génération, ces réfrigérateurs bahuts maintiennent une température stable à l’intérieur. Toutefois, Ils conservent la fraîcheur de vos aliments sur une plus longue durée.
The series of Apple freezers
It represents a perfect symbiosis of technological innovation and refined aesthetics. Firstly, references including the Apple 150, Apple 188, Apple 212, Apple 250, Apple FG 188, Apple Head 200 and Apple FG Head 200 are elaborate. They help meet all your food preservation requirements in a rigorous professional context. These ranges offer optimum flexibility.
The integrated system
It ensures that the cold is evenly distributed throughout the storage space. It limits temperature fluctuations and preserves the integrity of your products. This is true whether you need a small, compact fridge like the Apple 150 for a limited culinary space. Or a larger model like the Apple 250 for professional use.
Specialised versions
Models such as the Apple FG 188 and Apple Head 200 are also available to meet specific needs, such as preserving fresh produce or storing food at height. When you choose an economical Apple Modular Horizontal Freezer, you're choosing quality, reliability and longevity. This equipment is designed to offer optimum performance while minimising your energy consumption. Above all, they enable you to reduce your electricity bills.
Exceptional capabilities
Apple's modular, economical horizontal freezers stand out for their sleek, contemporary design. They blend in perfectly with any environment, adding a touch of elegance to your living or working space. The Apple FG Head 200 model has external dimensions of 2010x932x900 mm and a temperature range of -18°C to -23°C.